Outdoor Educator Training 2019

Canadian Wilderness Medical Training and Bear Creek Outdoor Centre have put together 10 day

comprehensive training program for teachers, Scout Leaders and and outdoor educators to further their professional

development in outdoor leadership and meet OPHEA and Board requirements for Outdoor Education programs.

The 10 Day “one stop shopping” teacher training course at Bear Creek Outdoor Centre will include:

Wilderness First Aid

Paddle Canada Lake Canoe Tandem Instructor

Paddle Canada Paddle Canada Camping Leadership: formerly Advanced Canoe Tripping

Course Dates: July 9-18, 2019

Course Tuition: $1325.00 + HST

*Tuition includes all meals, lodging, group equipment, training and certifications. Paddle Canada instructor

membership fee is not included in the course tuition and individual registration with Paddle Canada will

take place prior to the time of the training.

To book this course directly please follow the link below
